I thought I am multi-talented.

well this only show that I am crazy, ..... for,
urh, softer smoother more even tone skin also ? I'll tell you more.
Smart ass as I thought I was I couldn't find 2 words to summarize my blog. In any rate, I hope you have a good times with me "down the blog" picking up the fun, the tips, learning, playing and goofing around together.
After my cooking show called "Everyday Healthy Gourmet" aired on May 10,12,13 Olelo Channel 52, People are asking for Recipe. I have written 40 pages of recipes (to be tested. I am sure they are all good even without the final tune up). I have yet to write down recipes for breakfast made on the show.
crazy good apricot maple no fried wings.
The TV show of course is not up to my standard. It is my first work for the highly compressed TV producer classes (20some hours?). I scrambled big time to rush and film 1 day with help form DH with no plan, no script and no recipe. Of course, the recipe part is piece of cake. I don't need recipe to cook except for baking. Mine mine mine, little did I know it took me here and there 2 years to get this 19 minute half way decent video out on TV broadcasting. I have not yet finish edited the remaining 1 day shoot of main dish.

There is so much I need to edit out. I've never in my life talked/instructed while I cooked and English is not my mother tongue to begin with. I refused to push a piece of crap out for the public viewing if I can manage. However I am just discouraged with production at this time. It's definitely not like the
cha cha cha, rock and roll in my cooking and various other projects I took on. I am sure things will be way different with a plan, written script or that I am getting so familiar with the filming and my presentation / instruction. For now, I know it can't be a one man or 1.5 man project. I'd love to hear if anybody can offer better idea as to how to take on the cooking TV project in a much quicker turn around time.
Back to the recipes. I made a) Ham Chive Scrabbled Egg b)Whole Grain Tortilla Skin Crisp c) Smoothie.
It is a solid hearty breakfast low fat and full of nutrition that gives you boost of energy to start the day. You get protein from egg and ham also calcium from good for you digestion yogurt, you get your fiber and starch from the tortilla skin, and tons of different vitamins from the chive, berries, banana, peach and cranberry juice.
Disclaimer: 1. the recipes have not been tested although I think they are good. Please fell free to comment. Twig them as much as you want to adjust to you taste.
2. this is not100% recreation of what I made in the show. Nothing is 100% the same even you copy the recipe to the teeth as there are so many variables you simply can't copy 100% like the oven, the heat, the ingredients, the brand of the seasoning even the water. It would be fine. You will still have a delicious healthy breakfast that cooks in no time and super friendly to you wallet. And it's part of the fun cooking and adjust everything to your taste if you'd like to do that.
3. The filming of the show is supposed to be for a few minute shoot with deadline to return the equipment. No dish picture was taken when they were done. Please keep in mind that dishes shown here are not the one from the show, just some example of my food.
4. what's here is not publishing quality. no professional proof reading done. You are all welcomed to comment though.
a) Ham Chive Scrabbled Egg
*1/2-2/3 C ham shredded (optional, add more salt if you don't use ham)
*0-1/2 tsp cooking *oil (I use macadamia nut oil in the show)
1-1.5 C *chive chopped in 1/4 inch
*0-1/2 tsp garlic salt (Did I use fish sauce or nothing in the show? any way, taste the wilded chive and decide how much salt you need)
*1/4 tsp garlic powder (if you use salt in stead of garlic salt. it's optional)
2 drops vinegar
*1/4 tsp sugar or 1/2 simple syrup (optional, simple syrup is sugar dissolved in equal part water)
1/4 tsp chili flakes or chili powder
*white pepper (optional, freshly ground always preferred)
1 TB water filtered prefer
6 eggs (I used organic in the show, but any egg will be fine)
*1/2 tsp mayonnaise or tiny bit of butter (optional. I did not use either as we don't have Mayonnaise DH loathes it)
*1/8 tsp roasted sesame oil (optional)
*this is not the pic of the recipe here. It is cucumber ham and egg hor d'oeuvres. pretty cheap and ready in no time. kids could help to put them together.
Put oil to non-stick preferably good heavy skillet in high until it's close to smoking hot. Stir in chive in 10 second. Mix ham and with chive stir for 30 seconds. Season with garlic salt, vinegar, chili, sugar, white pepper. Glaze with water and cook down for 1 minute. Add egg, mayonnaise/butter and mix everything up and let the egg coats the chive mixture.Turn the heat down right away to medium to cook a minute also until the egg firm up. Flip the egg upside down and cook for about 20 seconds or right to your taste. Taste the food and make adjustment. Makes 4 servings.
Note: You don't need to have all the ingredients and follow the recipe to the teeth. here are so suggestions, with so many options, you have no excuse not to be able to make something, hehehe:
1. any oil would be fine, preferably high smoking point one like any vegi oil, canola oil. If we are talking healthy, use as less as animal fat as possible.
2.If your ham get some fat and you don't want to put in any oil, put in the ham and render the fat out first in lower heat and high heat before you add the chopped chives. make sure not to over cook the ham.)
3.Chive substitute options: finely chopped green onion, onion, dark green leaves i.e. collard green, mustard green. spinach and choi sum would not be good option in my opinion)
4. for salt substitute options: fish sauce, miso 1/2 tsp, soy sauce 1/2 tsp not as good option, add more salt if you don't use ham at all.
b)Whole Grain Tortilla Skin Crisp
Ingredients: all optional except the tortilla skin
*1 tsp oil (canola, vegi or nut oil. great seed or walnut would be great I use macadamia nut oil)
*pinch of salt (optional)
*1/8 tsp sugar (optional)
*1/2 tsp garlic powder (optional)
*1/8 Cayenne pepper powder (optional)
4-6 whole grain tortilla skin
*this is not the pic of the recipe here. Every time I made these quick and easy pizza, the plates are always licked cleaned. Look at all the goodies there, strips of lean chicken with most fat skimmed and tons of flavor soaked in with my way of cooking; mushroom, bell pepper, caper, green onion, flax seeds and 3 kinds cheese, not to much just enough to tantalize your tongue and taste buds.
Heat up the oil in pot or pan. Make sure do over heat the oil. Use low heat after the pan is hot. Add the rest of the seasoning. Turn off heat. You can heat up the rub in a small bowl in microwave for 10 seconds? Again, not to over burn the rub, just enough heat to bring up all the flavor.
Rub one side of the tortilla. Microwave rubbed side up on a thick as possible plate for 3,4 minutes or before you burn skin (you will get an idea how long it'd take after a few times). Take the skin out let it cool. Dry up the plate with paper towel, put in another skin and repeat.While you are waiting for the tortilla in the microwave wave, either brush in the rub or use you hand for the rest of the tortilla. Make 4 servings. Use the skin to dig up the scrambled egg.
Note. 1. All you absolutely have to have is the whole wheat tortilla skin. all others are optional. 2. Keep in mind that part of the oil and seasoning would be absorb by the brush if you use one. 3. I made excess of the oil rub in the show as you noticed. This recipe reflect the more appropriate portion. It would be a good idea to make more and save the rub if you do a lot of the crisp though. 4.just be careful as microwave get uneven heating so be on guard for burned spot. I did have many of the accident, well scape off the burned part and munch on. nothing serious.
c) Smoothie.
Ingredients: You know very well you don't need all the ingredients to make the smoothie. You can throw other type of vegetables here like cabbage or even dark green ones.
*this is not the pic of the recipe here. You get the idea.
1-2 C cranberry juice
Half gallon filtered water
1.5 C fresh or frozen banana
1.5 C fresh or frozen peach
1/2 C pineapple juice
1/2-1 C plain yogurt (can use fruity yogurt)
handful of frozen berry
1/2-1 C carrots
lime juice from half a lime
Blend all ingredients together and serve immediately. Make 4 servings.
Voila, here you go. I need to move my ass around now before the event turns unhealthy for me.