My two cutest fat cat babies, apples of my eyes.
I can't find more gentle obedient kids.
My "Easter bunny" is telling me now to give him/her some love esp. fat cat stroke. he would not leave my palm until he get some affection from Mom/human. He'd back off the food cup, drop his head in a frozen postion, looking like he'd like to die after getting a good yelling from Mom because he was bullying his brother biting him away from the food. Gee, mom needs to comfort the bully in the end. freaky bird. Even with their little bird brain, they sure know how to read Mom's face and mood.
But I have to control myself, not even let their beaks to touch my lips, let alone their little pinky mung bean size tongue. The germ in our body may kill the little one. I can't sleep with them in bed either on top of the prolific poop productions. Some kids woke up heart broken to find out they accidentally killed their lovies sleeping with their bird pets. Chocolate esp. dark one, salt and unidentified plants.. are also off limits. But these little ones sure go nuts with my Activia and ice cream.
Tell me he doesn't look like Einstein.
Poop on the greatest mind of the Century.
Talking about Poop. Want to get a kick out of that stuff? Check on the next post. "Sing, Action -- Poopbody Poopbody Poopbody"
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