Again, I am the queen of winging it, no patience and no slaving, using whatever I have at hand last minute when I need to eat. what works for me is that I absolutely have a very good sense of taste on top of color, geometry..., a very good taste bud. And as queen of cheap and no patience, I always cooked up my 3-5lb meat by throwing those dirt cheap freshly frozen rock solid proteins into the pressure cooker, or slow cooker, or huge pot, put my seasoning, most of time, the left overs, like left over sauce, bone, take out sugar, pepper, ketchup... and old fruits not as fresh any more, like grapes that are going to go bad, .... many many other stuff I find in the fridge that I need to use or else. So it is also a clean house activity. Of course, that when my sense of taste come into action. You have to judge and balance out the overall taste adding different seasoning that works with the meat I am dealing with, and adjusting the taste till I get to my desired taste. It sounds a lot of work, but it actually only takes max a minute for me.
Whole wheat flat bread with whatever I have in the fridge: 3 cheeses with Mozzarella as main note accented by sharp Cheddar and Swiss, very little leftover meat, chopped capers, onion flakes,freshly ground black pepper and chili powder, top with very fresh juicy bell pepper. Extra oil shown on picture has been blotted before it's devoured.
After that, I just let nature take its course, either doing 20 also minute pressure cooking or slow cook the meat 2-8 hours (8 hours is in oven overnight at 250 degree). I don't really need to put in much effort except when it's done, I will skim the day light out of every single droplet of fat out of my cheap cut meat, sometimes a few cups. then condense the liquid to make the delicious sauce. cut them meat up, use any and store the rest in freeze. And Ta Da, diner is ready in no time, with any fresh vegetable and starch at hand ---
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